IXSIR Altitudes Blanc 2022
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This wine has a golden yellow color with sparkling reflections. With a floral scent, notes of muscatel, and grapefruit notes. The test is Floral and citrusy, crisp and clean, this well-balanced wine reveals a beautiful richness.
IXSIR: is the origin of an Arabic word known in many languages, Elixir (Al-Iksir), which is the purest form of any substance and a secret potion guaranteeing eternal youth and love. The Vision behind IXSIR wines is the rediscovery of the best Lebanese wine regions forgotten for generations. Planted with noble grape varieties, they are cultivated with respect to sustainable development and rational cultivation methods. The resulting blended wines are full of richness and originality.
Obeideh, Muscat, Viognier
Clay and Limestone
13 % Alc.
Vol. 750 ml.
Contains sulfites